LITTLE BOAT Charm/ Elytis


LITTLE BOAT Charm 2025

Boat Charm, handmade of Japanese paper and quartz stones, ready to sail away for new places, new experiences, new potentials. It is accompanied with a text from the poem of Odysseas Elytis “Ηλικία της Γλαύκης Θύμησης.

“Κι ἐκεῖνο τὸ σκάφος⁣
⁣Φρεσκοβγαλμένο, πράσινο, ποὺ διαβάζεις ἀκόμη⁣
⁣στὴν εἰρήνη τὸν κόλπου τῶν νερῶν ⁣
⁣ἔχει ὁ Θεός.⁣”⁣
– Οδυσσέας Ελύτης⁣


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